
31 October 2010

Happy Halloween

With it being Halloween today I thought I'd get into the spirit of things and dedicate today's post to all things spooky.  If my maths is correct, which is unlikely, this will be my second Halloween in Australia and I have to say, things seem to work pretty much the same as they do in England.  Except we don't get trick or treaters here because our front door is too hidden out of sight.  I do love Halloween, simply because I love fancy dress and this gives me another excuse to dive into the costume box.  I'm actually working today so have plans to wear my devil horns and tail.  That's about as far as I'll go as I have to stay in uniform.  Back in England, in my previous job, we used to go all out with costume for Halloween as we only spoke to customers over the phone and didn't actually have to see any of them face to face.  One year I won a prize for best dressed witch, which was cool.  The year after that I went as a ghost.  I literally had a sheet over my head and had cut eye holes so I could see what I was doing.  That was a funny sight.  A sheet wearing Little Stalky with a headset on.  If only the customers knew what I looked like!  The only thing that would have made that costume better would have been roller skates.  I could have had the floating thing down to a tee.  Or more likely fallen on my butt as I'm clumsy and not very graceful.  There were a few of us dressed as ghosts that year and I remember seeing a huddle of them chilling near the drinks machine.  I figured I should join them.  Ghosts sticking together and all that.  So then there were about six of us, all wearing sheets, just hanging near the drinks machine.  The funny thing was - as if that's not funny enough - you weren't ever really sure of who you were talking to.  I also used to carve a pumpkin and put it in the kitchen window.  Apparently this is they way to let trick or treaters know that you don't mind them knocking on the door.  And I don't.  Little kids wearing cute costumes with their parents aren't doing any harm and I don't mind buying a bumper bag of sweets once a year.  Lets face it, we all know who'll be getting the left overs.  And the little kids are normally very polite and will just take the one sweet.  The thing I don't like is the teenagers.  Especially the ones who make no effort with the costume.  That's just not cool.  But ignoring the teenagers, Mystical Roo and I used to enjoy creating a Halloween experience for our trick or treaters.  Or rather I did.  Mystical Roo was happy to take a back seat whilst I answered the door, keeping an eye out for any teenagers.  I would always wear a costume and one year we even set up the dry ice machine from Mystical Roo's DJing days.  The doorbell would ring, I'd grab the bowl and Mystical Roo would set off the smoke.  So when I opened the door in full witchy gear, a load of smoke surrounded me and then came out of the door.  I'm surprised we didn't make the little ones cry but they seemed to think it was cool.  And so did I.  I'm just a big kid at heart.  So now with a hidden door and restrictions on my costume wearing I'll just have to do the best I can.  But it's all good.  I have attached a picture of me in my ghosty costume for you all to laugh at.  Happy Halloween everyone!


  1. All right then.... Happy Hall (yawn) ow (yawn again) een.

  2. Happy Hallowe'en Little Stalky! Rabby and I still miss the times when we used to scare you silly at this time of year.


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