
17 July 2011

An Abundance of Oranges

I would say it's orange season here at the moment.  Why would I say that?  Well, there are oranges everywhere and they're being sold in bulk bags for very low prices.  Duke also confirmed that her orange trees are producing lots of fruit at the moment.  So in conclusion I would say it's orange season.  This is the time to indulge in oranges.  And this morning I did.  We have a lot of oranges in the fridge.  So many that I decided I would make some juice.  After Christmas in July celebrations I thought that the Mystical Roo and I could do with a good hit of vitamin C.  So I got up this morning and before I'd even put the kettle on, before I'd poured my cereal, I set about squeezing oranges.  And what a business that is!  I have one of those small juicer things.  The ones where you cut the fruit in half and squish it against the plastic cone thing.  I explain things very well!  Basically I don't have any form of electric juicer.  Seven oranges later I had a bit of a weak arm.  And do you know what?  seven oranges don't actually get you that much juice.  Seven oranges actually gets you around two small glasses of juice.  The small glasses they use at buffet breakfasts when they don't want you to drink too much.  But as small as those glasses were the juice was very nice and refreshing.  I think Mystical Roo was impressed to stumble into the kitchen and find a glass of fresh juice waiting.  And the compost bucket has been nicely filled with orange halves that are now waiting to go into the main compost bin.  Exciting times.  Even after the juicing of seven oranges we still have a whole bag full of them in the fridge.  And I did enjoy my juice but it did seem like a lot of effort for two small glasses of juice.  I think I might stick to cutting them into quarters and munching on them that way.  Less messy too!  


  1. Try this salad. Beetroot, orange, red onion, radish. All sliced thinly (no peel), and dressed with simple vinaigrette.

  2. Seems strange that the orange season is in the winter. I thought it would be a summertime fruit? (I love freshly squeezed orange juice)


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