
19 July 2011

The Basil Plant Lives!

I know many of you will think I'm mad.  I know a lot of you assume he's dead.  I know that you'll all be wearily hanging your heads when I say...that the basil plant appears to be coming back to life.  I know, I know. Basil plants are annuals.  They're not meant to survive the winter.  The basil should be in the compost bin and a new basil plant should be purchased in spring.  But I just can't seem to let go of the little fella.  Yes most of him is now brown and droopy.  Yes I haven't had a fresh basil leaf in a good month or so.  But I couldn't throw him away when I saw that there were still glimmers of life.  There was a little green sprout poking up from the ground and a tiny green leaf still attached to one of the stalks.  I must confess that I'd sort of forgotten about the basil plant.  He'd been put back out on the balcony with the rest of the gang as I thought a bit of sunshine might do him some good.  Well, on investigation it now appears that there's a whole new bit of basil growth.  New basil growth.  And not just a little bit.  A big bit.  Ok, there aren't any harvestable leaves as such but it looks like the beginning of harvestable leaves.  Most of the basil plant is dead but there's this one bit of stalk that has just popped up and is green and perky.  I don't know what this means.  Does my basil plant have death defying powers?  Is my basil plant not really a basil plant?  Is the basil plant confused about the seasons?  It's a bit of mystery.  I figure there can't be any harm in letting the basil plant do it's thing and see what happens.  Stay tuned for more basil updates.  It's exciting times.  

1 comment:

  1. I presume he is now indoors and being suitably pampered? You should contact 'The Guinness Book of Records' at once. You could become the first ever person to keep a Basil plant for more than 3 weeks!


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