
01 July 2011

Little Stalky Gets Her Yoga On

I've been trying for several mornings now to motivate my Stalky self and get up early to do some dawn exercise. Today was the first day that I actually succeeded in hauling my butt out of bed.  I always go to sleep with good intentions and I set my alarm to get me up nice and early but more often than not I'll hit snooze, roll over and enjoy an extra half an hours worth of sleep.  Well not today.  The alarm went off but I was already awake and though I was comfortable I forced myself to get up.  It's never that bad once you're actually up.  In fact it's quite nice and unless it's been a late night (which it rarely is) then the groggy sleepiness normally wears off fairly swiftly.     I'll only stumble into one door before becoming properly aware of my surroundings.  So this morning, with the sun still to rise, I whipped out my yoga mat, grabbed the yoga DVD and did some pilates.  And you thought I was going to do yoga.  Well I did that too.  Pilates, yoga, tai chi and even a little bit of meditation.  Check me out with my healthy living.  It was actually very relaxing and there was something infinitely calming about watching the sun rise over the ocean even if I was twisted into a seemingly unnatural position at the time.  What I have discovered is that after months of doing not much but walking, my body has become very stiff and doesn't bend as easily as it did about six months ago.  I can't even touch my toes.  It looks like I'll have to try and make this a more regular morning activity.  Limber up and what not.  The DVD took me about an hour to complete and at the end of it I felt really happy.  I was calm and relaxed yet strangely energised.  I felt ready for the day and whatever it might throw at me.  I know that tomorrow I'll wake up and be aching all over but once I get past that little hurdle I'll be ready to jump back into action.  Downward dog.  Sun salutations.  I've got it covered.  And when Mystical Roo gets back from his business trip he can join in too and I'll have a yoga, pilates, tai chi, meditation buddy.  Maybe when summer comes back around we'll be out on the beach, stretching out on the sand.  Oh what ambitions I have for my healthy lifestyle.  We'll see how long it lasts.  


  1. Yoga? Is that a type of yogurt, which you say you eat off plates?

  2. Sounds good to me. But what the heck is a downward dog? I think Diane might be one of those.

  3. I can see you both need educating.


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