
14 July 2011

The Hottest Chilli in the World!

I recently cooked up a batch of what I believe to be the hottest chilli in the world.  Chilli - as in chilli con carne - is a popular dish in our household.  It's healthy, it's easy to make and can be easily batched for quick defrostable meals.  There's only two of us but I normally make enough for eight people and this in turn gives us four meals from one cooking session.  The chilli has been heating up for a while now but I think I found the perfect heat for us, which equalled about six teaspoons of chilli flakes.  A lot, but remember this is for one big batch.  This seemed to be the perfect amount.  It packed a punch but didn't affect the flavour.  It cleared our noses but didn't blast our heads off.  It made our eyes water but with joy not with anguish.  It was a good chilli.  That was before.  Before I decdied to use one of my very own home grown chillies.  Now you may or may not remember that these chillies have been a bit hit and miss.  My first harvest were tasty but completely lacked in any sort of spice.  The second harvest were much better.  Under instructions from Bear Z I've been storing these chillies in a paper bag in the fridge.  They've been doing very well and have been used on a regular basis.  So when I decided to put a chilli in the chilli I didn't really think much of it and threw in my ususal six tea spoons of chilli flakes.  Little did I know that the chilli I'd put in the chilli was a very hot chilli.  I actually think those chillies have been getting hotter in the fridge.  It's like they're gaining in power and strength.  By the time we get to the bottom of that bag I'm pretty sure we'll have super chilli!  He should be revered and certainly not eaten.  So this current batch of chilli is rather a hot one.  We still eat it (in fact we've got some for dinner tonight) and we still enjoy it but it's probably just a tad too hot.  Next time I'm due to make a chilli I need to adjust my measurements and go easy on the flakes.  I like my chilli hot but not that hot!


  1. This is the problem with chillis, one never really knows.

  2. It's the not knowing that is so much fun!


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