
24 January 2011

The Chillies are Turning

In what is probably the most exciting event of 2011 so far, I am pleased to announce that the chillies appear to be turning red!  I know!  It's huge news.  This was a very sudden change that I first noticed on Saturday evening when I'd come home from work.  I was pottering around on the balcony when I noticed that one chilli had started going red and that others were showing shades of red that indicated they too would be changing.  I was ecstatic.  Not only because the chillies were finally turning red but because it proved to Mystical Roo that I was right.  The chillies would turn red.  They would.  Text messages were sent.  Facebook updates were posted.  The world was informed that the chillies were turning red.  And all this was happening with Mystical Roo away in Brisbane.  I was on the phone immediately.  I had huge news to tell him.  I was excitedly whooping down  the phone with such enthusiasm that I caught the attention of several people dining in the garden of the restaurant across the way from us.  I forget that my balcony is not a private sanctuary.  People can see and hear me.  And in that moment a group of strangers were watching me leap and hearing me shout as I danced around my chilli plant.  I probably deserved the strange looks.  I did take a photo of the chillies on my Blackberry but I have no idea how to actually upload this, so I apologise that there are no current photos with this post.  Mystical Roo's phone can upload photos and his actual camera can upload photos and Mystical Roo could probably upload my photo, but as mentioned before, Mystical Roo is in Brisbane.  As is his phone and his actual camera.  So for the time being I'll have to ask you to envisage the chillies and their redness.  They're like the green ones, only red.  Or slightly red.  They'll turn soon enough.  And then we can test them for heat.  I'm so excited!


  1. Congratulations. There's an old gardener's maxim that says 'you should start to eat things as soon as they're ready'. So, tuck in!


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