
06 January 2011

Stalky the Sleepy

Talking of Sleepy Stalkys, a Stalky can be likened to a Koala.  They need a lot of sleep and are very cuddly.  I might not sleep in trees (not yet anyway) but I've been known to fall asleep in all manner of places.  You see, I need my sleep.  I like my sleep.  If I don't get my sleep at the appropriate time that sleep is needed then you'll often find that I just sleep anyway.  And it doesn't matter where I am.  Just the other night, around Monster Noggins, I fell asleep on three separate occasions.  Well, it was nearly 23.00!  Firstly, I fell asleep mid skype session.  I wasn't doing much of the talking though so it wasn't a major drama.  Except for the fact that Monster Noggin and Mystical Roo thought it was funny and enjoyed pointing the web cam at me to highlight by sleepy nature.  I'd actually curled myself up into a ball, knees to my chest and had started snoozing right there on the floor.  Later on that night I pretty much passed out on the sofa.  It's a very comfortable sofa!  It's just a shame I woke up with dribble running down my face.  Never a good look.  Especially when with company.  I subtly wiped the dribble away before promptly falling asleep again.  I've fallen asleep in the pub on a couple of occasions.  Not a drunken, I'm slumped in the corner kind of sleep.  A blatant, we're sat having a quiet drink and I fall asleep sat upright kind of sleep.  That's also embarrassing.  The trouble is, once I feel sleepy, staying awake is almost torturous.  My eyelids get heavy, my head gets fuzzy and all I want is to go home and snuggle up in my bed.  Trying to keep your eyes from closing can be damned near impossible when you hit that wall of sleep.  My blinking gets longer and slower until finally I just don't open my eyes again.  The next thing I know my eyes snap open again to see everyone staring at me and smirking.  Another shameful Stalky moment.  I often don't see the ends of films because I've fallen asleep on the sofa.  I have a nap in the car even in the middle of the day.  I'm the "quiet one" at party's because I've fallen asleep on the floor, in a corner, on the bed.  I've been known to sneak off to shut my eyes for five minutes and wake up the next morning.  If my body wants to sleep, there's little I can do about it.  And don't try and wake me up because you'll get your head bitten off.  On a positive note I do seem to be able to sleep in situations where others struggle.  On a plane for example, or on a long car journey.  I can normally curl myself up in a ball and sleep quite soundly, whilst others find it hard to get comfortable.  Once, we went to an X Factor audition (no it wasn't me auditioning) and had to spend a night in a car park just to try and get a good position in the queue.  I literally zipped myself up into Mystical Roo's jacket, tucked my knees under my chin, my arms under my knees and slept quite well for several hours.  Apparently I looked like ET.  ET or not, I managed to sleep and that kept me happy.  I used to try and fight the sleep but now I know not to bother.  Fighting the sleep just makes me groggy and grumpy.  I'm better off just having myself a nap.  Sometimes I just have to accept the inevitable, realise I will miss the end of the film, and give in to nap time.  Then I can get comfortable on my Mystical Roo type pillow, shut my eyes and leave a nice line of dribble on his chest.  I'm pretty sure he's used to this now.  Anyway, all this talk of sleep is making me, well, sleepy.  


  1. Lucky gal. I'm the opposite. I do all the right things; count sheep, listen to Leonard Cohen records, drink 3 litres of red wine, etc etc, but nothing happens!


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