
10 December 2010

Spider Pig

Any Simpsons fans out there will know what Spider Pig is all about.  Some of you might even know what Spider Pigging someone is all about.  For those of you who have no idea what the heck I'm going on about I shall explain.  Briefly.  In the Simpsons film, Homer acquires a pet pig and makes him walk on the ceiling before dubbing him Spider Pig.  Spider Pig has his own theme tune.  It's the Spider Man theme tune but with new lyrics: #Spider Pig, Spider Pig, does whatever a Spider Pig does, can he swing, from a web, no he can't, he's a pig, watch out, he's a Spider Pig#  Anyway, this was a huge hit with Mystical Roo and I and it wasn't long before a Spider Pig craze took hold.  It was then that we began Spider Pigging people and in return, people began Spider Pigging us.  What is it to be Spider Pigged?  To be Spider Pigged.  When one is Spider Pigged.  Basically it's making an "anonymous" phone call and playing the Spider Pig tune down the phone before hanging up.  If this has ever happened to you, you've been Spider Pigged.  You can sing the tune yourself or find a recording and press play.  Either way, Spider Pigging was good fun.  So Mystical Roo bought me a gift to celebrate all things Spider Pig.  The gift was a pink t-shirt with the words Spider Pig emblazoned across the chest.  Amazing.  Now I've never had any issues with my Spider Pig t-shirt.  I wear it proudly and sometimes elicit a knowing smile but generally I don't get much attention.  But yesterday, when I wandered off into town, I was a veritable walking joke!  People just kept staring at me.  Some people even scowled at me.  I had to wonder if I was flashing something inappropriate the way some people were giving me strange looks.  I even had some kids start singing the theme tune at me.  Singing at me in the street.  I was Spider Pigged in broad daylight!  I've never felt so exposed.  With the heat of the day I was wearing denim shorts, which had my freaky knee on show too (see yesterday's blog - my knee has inflated to the size of a tennis ball) and I think the combination of pink Spider Pig t-shirt and freaky swollen knee was just too much for the inhabitants of this town.  I made a swift turn for home as I couldn't stand the weight of the stares anymore!  When I got home I even checked myself in the mirror to make sure I didn't have make-up smeared down my face, a giant rip in my clothes, or anything else that would warrant the staring that I'd received.  It seemed to me that I looked ok, but then maybe I'm one of those people who can't see a walking fashion disaster.  I don't really care.  I was happy with my "outfit" and people should learn that staring is just rude!  On a positive note it has reminded me how much fun Spider Pigging is.  It might be time to give someone a call!   


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