
12 November 2010

Little Stalky and the Potential Cold of Doom

Well, I can feel a cold coming on and really hope it doesn't develop into anything.  These things, for me, always start with a scratchy sore throat, so when I woke up last night with just that, I was not happy.  When I woke up again in the morning and the scratchy sore throat was still there, I was even less happy.  We all know that Little Stalkys don't like being ill and demand a lot of attention and looking after from Mystical Roos, who are already tired from much hard work.  There's also something about being ill in the Australian heat, which seems a bit odd.  I always associate feeling rough with being tucked up on the sofa with rain beating down outside.  When it's so hot that I have all the doors and windows open, curling up on the sofa is not what I want to do.  Actually the vast blue ocean is looking rather appealing right now but I'm not sure my body would appreciate it.  I know I'm moaning via my blog, but readers you're doing Mystical Roo a service.  The more I moan here, the less I moan to him.  I'm trying to work out whether it's better to be ill on your day off or on the day you're meant to work.  It sucks having your day off spoilt by being ill but at least you can just lay on the sofa.  Or not, as I've proved.  It takes a hell of a lot for me to call in sick as I just can't handle the guilt.  So on a work day I'll end up at work, feeling rough.  And that's not cool either.  The best thing this cold, or potential cold, can do, is bugger off.  Bugger off and find someone else to pester because I don't have time to be ill.  I really don't!  I think I'll have to go rooting around for those super cold tablets I got at the pharmacy.  Or maybe have a glass of wine.  I think I prefer the latter.  At the moment I'll settle for a cup of tea.  Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and feel fine and dandy.  And maybe I won't.  Only time will tell.  


  1. Poor Stalky! Nothing worse than a nasty cold. But I find that OTC cold remedies always make me feel ghastly. Alcohol (and chocolate)is much more effective!

  2. I appreciate the sympathy. And I agree that alcohol is a much better solution!

  3. I am with Sue on this one. Several large whiskies at bedtime does the trick. Almost makes a cold worthwhile. Could it be used as a preventative treatment to ward off potential colds? Or ward off other things even? If we all consumed copious amounts of whisky would the Great Financial Crisis have been averted? Certainly Scotland would have been ok and that's a start!! Treacle.

  4. 6 parts HOT dry cider, poured onto 1 part Stone's Green Ginger wine. Instant relief!

  5. Ooops! I read that as 6 PINTS! Instant oblivion. Must get some new specs! Hic!

  6. My Goodness everyone, I'm going to be drunk. And I have work tomorrow! Can't work with a hangover. I'll have to stay drunk. Perhaps Treacle is right, if booze can be used to ward of various things, perhaps I'll have a most excellent day at work :)


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