
19 November 2010

Twitchy Eye of Doom

I've been experiencing the twitchy eye a lot of recent.  I used to have twitchy eye all the time in my previous job in England but I haven't suffered from it as much in Australia until just lately.  I've never really been sure what actually causes the twitchy eye; whether it's stress related, fatigue related or simply a random twitch.  All I know is that it's very annoying and possibly makes me look like a fruit loop.  I think it knows that I'm writing about it because right now the twitch has gone into overload!  Stop twitching, eye.  I suppose it's better that it's twitching in the privacy of my own home rather than out in public or at work or something.  I wouldn't want anyone to think a) that I was crazy and possibly plotting to kill them or b) that I was winking at them.  We all know how much trouble a rogue wink can cause!  I'm sure a lot of us experience the odd eye twitch once in a while.  I've seen Mystical Roo's eye do it and I've heard colleagues complain of similar problems.  I guess it's something beyond my control so for the time being I'll have to put up with the eye twitch and hope it doesn't hang around too long. 


  1. You'd better stay away from Woolworths in case that guy thinks your winking at him again!

  2. Can other people notice someone's eye twitching? I think that would freak me out!

    Hazel xxx

  3. It's weird to watch someone's eye twitching, or even to see your own eye twitching in the mirror. Gives me the heebie-jeebies!

  4. If I run into that guy again with a twitchy eye he's going to think I'm some sort of wink stalker!

  5. Sellotape and a good talking to; that should do the trick.


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