
10 February 2011

Attention Seeking Chilli

After much sunshine and rain, the Little Stalky garden seems to be doing very well.  More chillies are turning red, readying themselves for picking faster than I can use them.  I have therefore decided to start drying my chillies and as per instructions from Rabby, have taken to hanging my chillies from a bit of string.  I personally think they look rather stylish, just chilling from a bit of string.  Very funky.  I left excess string available for the addition of more chillies.  So my chillies are multi purpose, not only tasty but fashionable too.  Chillies are officially in.  And I should know, I'm very cool.  The other plant producing fruit at the speed of light is the strawberry plant.  There's strawberries everywhere.  And they seem to like to ripen when Mystical Roo is in Brisbane.  Yes, Mystical Roo misses out on strawberry goodness, but on a good note, Little Stalky benefits from extra strawberry goodness.  Oooh strawberries.  Also, my strawberry plant has put out his first feeler (as pictured.  You'll also notice a chilli trying to get in on the action.  Those chillies like to be center of attention!), which Rabby has advised can be used to grow even more strawberry plants!  I'm waiting for the feeler to put out little roots and then I can use my extra pots to grow a strawberry army!  Excellent.  I've decided these might even make nice gifts.  Here you go, have a strawberry plant.  I grew it myself.  Who wouldn't be happy with a strawberry plant.  Whose birthday is coming up next?  Hmmm, I think that would be mine.  Can I give myself a strawberry plant for my birthday?  I guess that would be a bit random.  But in Little Stalky world, what isn't. 
Note:  Bottom right, funky feeler.  Top left,
attention seeking chilli!


  1. Proper Little Stalky Farmer, aren't we! I do exactly the same with my chillis, then whizz them into 'flakes' later.

    We've just bought 2 terracotta Strawberry pots; each one takes 9 plants, so we're expecting a bumper crop this summer. I'll let you know!


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