
23 February 2011

Little Stalky Loves her Coffee Table

I do love my coffee table.  It's very special to me and receives a lot of care and attention.  And woe betide anyone who doesn't use a coaster!  Both Mystical Roo and I were drawn to it when we first saw it and knew we had to have it.  It had that semi rustic look that would go well in our farmhouse one day.  One day.  Anyway, with some special arrivals on the way, I decided it was about time the coffee table had it's 6 month wax.  Apparently the coffee table should be waxed about twice a year to keep the wood healthy.  So I got out the wax, switched on the TV (on which "the Love Boat" was showing - now that's a random thing) and waxed the coffee table.  Not so much a chore as a labour of love.  But now the coffee table is looking beautiful, so much so that I photographed it and then blogged about it.  I'll apologise now for the poor quality of the photo.  I took it using my phone, in bad light, with my dodgy shaky hands.  I've never been able to take a good photo.  You may or may not be able to see the Mystical Roo alcohol stored within (remember, Little Stalky doesn't drink anymore).  I think that was one of the things we liked about the coffee table.  It was multifunctional.  It has a drawer in which to store things - mostly DVDs and the odd newspaper - and what can only be described as a mini wine rack and a glass top so you can see what you have stored.  Excellent.  If we're feeling particularly extravagant then the coffee table can hold up to twelve bottles of wine, but right now it's got a bottle of Mystical Roo whiskey and a bottle of Mystical Roo gin.  That might change over the next couple of days though, you never know.  You can also see coasters on top of the coffee table which I, with my love of symmetry, had to place in a neat line.  As I said, it's imperative that one uses a coaster with the coffee table.  If not I get very upset.  You might get told off (a la Roo) or you might get...the look (dramatic music - da da daaaaaaaaa).  The coasters are actually made by Mystical Roo himself.  He's in the paving business, so samples of his paving - minus the plastic casing - make rather snazzy coffee coasters.  Anyway, coffee coasters aside, I think you'll agree that the coffee table is indeed a thing of great beauty.  Coffee table, I salute you!  


  1. Indeed it is a thing of beauty. The only addition it needs is some good bottles of red from a little place up the road. Although I do recall it can empty itself very quickly, strange how that happens.

  2. You were conned; that's a Wine Table! If I was you, I'd take it back (after you've scraped off the expensive wax).


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