
28 February 2011

Little Stalky Can Smell Again!

Whilst getting over my recent cold of doom (which is still hanging on with a vengeance) I recently decided that I'd lost my sense of smell.  Actually, I had lost my sense of smell - due to excessive snot - but had somehow convinced myself that this might be permanent.  I was most upset and kept moaning to Mystical Roo that I was unable to smell anything, unable to taste things properly, unable to appreciate the wondrous odours of life.  I went to great efforts to test my smell, sniffing everything I could to see if I could get a whiff of something, anything.  The thing that was distressing me was the fact that I felt that I was getting over my cold and breathing properly again.  My logic was, if I can breathe through my nose then surely I can smell through my nose!  Apparently not.  On the day of the extreme clean I was unable to appreciate the smell of a clean house as nothing was breaking the barrier.  I couldn't enjoy the fresh linen, the freakishly clean bathroom.  Nothing.  I was spraying air freshener and then having a good old sniff, but still.  Nothing.  I had a glass of wine (yes, back on the strong stuff) and couldn't taste it.  I even got my nose up close and personal with Mystical Roo's armpit but there was nothing.  Nothing at all.  I was highly distressed.  Anyway, I'm pleased to announce that I can now smell again.  Joy!  I can smell flowers, I can smell the ocean, I can smell my wine.  And it's wonderful.  You don't realise how much you take for granted until it's taken away from you.  I'm just lucky that my sense of smell has returned.  And on that note, I smell dinner!  


  1. Pleased to hear that you're smelling again (if you see what I mean!). Trouble is your olfactory receptors and taste buds are closely linked so when you can't smell you can't taste either. Now that IS bad news. Had any Margaritas yet or are you saving that for the Blue Diamond?

  2. It's called anosmia! A good word to know for both crosswords, and confusing people at parties.

    i.e. Hello, my name's Little Stalky of Doom; I'm temporarily anosmic don't you know!

  3. Hitting the Blue Diamond tonight - a celebration of my tastebuds returning!

  4. Could I be Little Stalky with anosmia of doom


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