
12 February 2011

A Pringle Discovery

The other day I made an exciting supermarket discovery.  And the thing I must confess is that I wasn't in Woolworths.  I know.  It's shocking.  After all the adventures we've had.  But it wasn't that I shunned Woolworths, just that there wasn't a Woolworths in the vicinity.  And as a result I was shopping with their official rival, Coles.  But I feel no guilt.  Especially not considering I found...wait for it...Pringles!  Real, actual, proper Pringles.  Huge excitement.  Up until very recently I'd never been able to find Pringles in Australia and in the absence of Walkers (oh how I miss Cheese and Onion crisps) have never really found a crisp that I fully appreciated.  The discovery of actual real life Pringles was a cause for major in store bopping.  In fact, I think I drew a couple of glances as I bopped in front of the Pringle display.  Woo Pringles.  I picked myself up a tube of Hot and Spicy flavour and happily presented them to Mystical Roo.  Now all we need is a stock of the aforementioned Walkers crisps and possibly some Scampi Fries. 


  1. Your post has me leaving for the store to get some pringles. I not only love the taste and crispness, but how they can fit so many in such a small container.

  2. Beware imitation Pringles. Prongles, Wrinkles, Pongoes, etc. Never as good. I would have plumped for the Hot-n-Spicy ones too. Could it have been St Pringle's Day, and you hadn't noticed?

  3. Either my taste buds are fading or Walkers Cheese & Onion crisps don't taste very cheesy or oniony these days. (I don't think I'd ever be tempted to buy a packet of Wrinkles!)

  4. And pringles not only taste good, they can be fun too. Like using two pringles to create the "duck look". You know what I'm talking about...


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