
18 February 2011

The Lizard Lurketh

I don't know if you remember a post from a few months back discussing the lizard who was living in reception.  Well, much to my surprise, I've discovered he's continuing to live in reception!  I've seen him twice this week and I'm pretty sure he's growing.  He seems to lurk mostly around management's office, popping out to say hello once in a while.  He pokes his head out from under the door and then whips back in again.  So this got me thinking, does he work for management?  Is he keeping an eye on us?  Or, in an even more sinister turn, is the lizard actually the head honcho?  Are we being led by a lizard?  It's a possibility.  Who knows, that lizard could actually be pulling the strings.  I wonder what he's eating?  Where does he sleep?  What does he do for fun?  Maybe we can thank the lizard for a lack of bug activity.  If he is just a lizard living in reception and now working for / part of management, then perhaps he should become the official office mascot.  He could have a little hat and everything.  Oooh, he could have a hat, a cape and a wand and then he could be a lizard wizard!  Totally cool.


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