
09 March 2011

Preparing for the Camping Trip

I think we've finally persuaded El Kenco that she does indeed want to come camping with us.  She was nervous about spiders and snakes and other such beasties but I've reassured her with tales of an everything proof tent.  Yes, nothing is getting in through the tent.  It will be fine.  I've also lured her with the promise of beautiful beaches and wild kangaroos.  Very Australian.  I did, however, have to break the news that there would be cold showers...It will be fun to see El Kenco on a camping trip.  This is the girl who takes several hours getting ready in the morning, washing her hair before going in the sea and putting on make up to hit the beach.  She's assured me that she'll find a way, even if she is hunkered over a puddle just to use it as a mirror.  It could be an interesting trip!


  1. Don't forget to put plenty of air in the airbeds and keep zips closed at all times!!!


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