
22 June 2011

Attack of the Ash Cloud

There's a lot of wind about here at the moment.  And volcanic ash.  Apparently a volcano in Chile has blown its top and sent a slew of ash into the air.  Somehow this ash cloud has made its way over to the land of Oz and it's causing havoc with flights.  Mystical Roo was meant to be flying to Perth today but that has now been postponed due to this rogue ash cloud.  I'm secretly - or not so secretly as I'm blogging about this - pleased because it means Mystical Roo will be around for a few more days before he has to jet off to Melbourne on Monday.  My he's a well travelled Roo.  I assume the flights will be up and running again by then.  Lets hope so because I imagine this whole thing is upsetting many folk.  You'd be a bit miffed if the ash cloud was eating into your holiday or stopping you from getting somewhere important.  You hear tales of people missing weddings and becoming cut off from loved ones.  That's sad.  But you also hear tales of people getting really angry at the airlines, which I don't quite understand.  It's not their fault that a volcano decided to get its ash on.  I think I'd be more concerned if they were ignoring safety factors and sending flights on their merry way.  Ash cloud?  What ash cloud.  Less good.  So we should direct our frustration towards the volcano.  In Chile.  But then I guess that's not fair seeing as how the volcano probably didn't do it on purpose.  I doubt the volcano had malicious intent.  So maybe we should blame the ash cloud itself?  But then does the ash cloud really have any say over where it goes?  Probably not.  It's probably dictated by the wind.  And seeing as how the wind has been blowing over trees and rattling windows, I say lets aim our frustration towards the wind.  Lets shake our fists angrily at the wind.  Or ask it nicely if it wouldn't mind shifting that ash cloud somewhere where it will  have less of an impact.  Another cunning plan from the genius mind of Little Stalky.

1 comment:

  1. Every (ash) cloud has a silver lining - you get to keep MR for a few more days!


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