
25 June 2011

Little Stalky Can't Comment

I just wanted to let everyone know that I can't comment on my posts at the moment.  Actually, I can't comment on anyone's posts at the moment.  Apparently it's a problem with actually signing in and the problem is being looked at but this was back in May so I hope someone is still looking at it.  Because I get highly frustrated not being able to interact with my fellow bloggers and I don't want anyone to think I'm ignoring them or not responding.  For a while I was able to post comments via my phone but I've just tried this today and it won't let me.  It just sits there looking at me and mocking me and refusing to let me post my comments.  Little Stalky has been gagged!  So I just wanted to say thank you to those who comment on my posts and assure you that I am reading them.  I am forming responses in my Little Stalky mind but unfortunately I can't communicate them at present.  I will keep trying and hopefully I'll soon be able to comment again.  In the meantime, feel free to say whatever the hell you want and be safe in the knowledge that I can't say anything back!


  1. Oh for goodness sake! Literally a minute after posting this I discovered a loop hole that has allowed me to make comments. Now I just sound like a liar. Or a numpty. Or someone who just doesn't know how to work stuff. But on a happy note - I can comment again. Whoop whoop!

  2. yah i've been having the same problem. it's annoying. i still can't post on some..and i can on others. definitely isn't working on explorer tho. i am on google chrome now and it seems to be working fine for now.

  3. Change to Google Chrome or Firefox or similar. I think Internet Explorer is being wound down.

  4. I'm on chrome and things seem to be working perfectly. Thank you both


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