
18 June 2011

Pizza Hangover

Example of yummy
homemade pizza courtesy
of Mystical Roo
I have a number of weaknesses and one of those is a passion for pizza.  And I appreciate a good quality pizza with a Mystical Roo homemade pizza being one of the best out there.  But I've also been known to indulge in a Dominos pizza.  Partly because on Tuesday they're currently selling for $4.90 and partly because I do actually enjoy the taste.  They're obviously not as good as Mystical Roo's but I still can't help myself.  The trouble is with a Dominos pizza is I know they're nowhere near as healthy as a homemade pizza.  You can tell that simply from the amount of grease that is left at the bottom of the pizza box.  You can also tell by way of what I like to think of as a pizza hangover.  And what is this pizza  hangover?  Well, there's no nausea but there is definitely a ridiculous thirst and sometimes a headache.  I believe this must come from the salt content in junk food.  Upon finishing a pizza from Dominos I'm always ridiculously thirsty.  But no matter how much I drink I will always wake up in the night feeling utterly parched.  And it's that weird kind of unquenchable thirst, which no amount of water seems to fix.  Yuck.  I take a glass of water to bed with me when I've been on a pizza binge because I know I'll wake up with the thirst.  I guess I should stop eating the Dominos pizza but it's hard sometimes.  Especially if I'm hungry, have nothing in the house and if the hunger and lack of food fall on a Tuesday when the pizzas are ridiculously cheap.  I'll perhaps have to see if I can persuade Mystical Roo to create me a stockpile of homemade pizza.  Or, I could make my own pizza.  But I just don't have the touch.  I suspect that Mystical Roo might be Italian.


  1. Dominos probably also add a bucket full of MSG. Nothing worse for headaches and thirst.... it also makes you want to return for more!

  2. I have the same problem with Chinese food, too much salt.

  3. ....and with Chinese food; FAR TOO MUCH MSG.

  4. mono sodium glutonate - or something along those lines.


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