
07 June 2011

What the Sock?

Is the sorting of socks possibly one of the most annoying chores in the world?  I don't know.  But it's definitely up there.  Along with cleaning the sieve and trying to duvet up on your bill.  I was cursing the socks as I was creating heaps of underwear.  You have one sock and then you have to locate that socks partner, then you have to confirm it is actually that socks partner before tucking the socks together in what must be the universal way to tuck socks together before tossing them on the heap.  Then you're left with a rogue sock who has no partner.  Or worse, two rogue socks who should match up but don't.  What the hell!  We all know it's the sock monster behind this kind of sock mayhem.  But what I want to know is who decided that socks even have to match.  Honestly, who is actually looking that closely at your feet.  Most of the time the socks are hidden away inside of shoes and if you've got your shoes off then you're obviously somewhere that you're comfortable having your shoes off, therefore comfortable with the people in front of whom you have taken your shoes off and if these people are judging you for odd socks then they're not your friends at all!  And odd socks can be stylish.  It gives you a funky and somewhat quirky look.  And what if you can't decide which pair to wear?  The stripey socks or the duck socks.  One of each.  Job done.  I propose an end to matching socks.  At least mine are vaguely easy to put together but Mystical Roos are all black.  And you'd think then that it wouldn't matter.  Just chuck a black sock in with a black sock.  But then you've got a black sock with a logo on it.  Or a black sock that is slightly higher than the other.  Or a black sock with a different texture.  God damn you black socks!  I think that from now on I should just chuck the socks into one communal pile and grab socks at random.  All I need is two socks.  It doesn't matter which ones I grab.  Then all I have to do is gather the socks rather than sort them.  Yes Mystical Roo's socks are far too big for me and yes, my socks are much too small for Mystical Roo but if I aim for the brightly coloured stripey section of the pile and he aims for the dark, blackish section of the pile then we're sorted.  I think I may have just devised what some might call a cunning plan. 


  1. Give them to the kids to sort! That's what I used to do. Nowadays Rabby's black socks have colour co-ordinated toes and that definitely makes life easier. Summer = no socks! Yay!

  2. Once a year (or occasionally every 2 years , if I'm feeling mean) I chuck out ALL my socks and replace them (I do the same with my you-know-whats). Like MR, I buy all black (about 30 pairs), so have no problem finding matching pairs. I suggest you do something similar with your stripy ones!

  3. nice post...interesting about socks...
    thanks for share such post...

  4. Why thank you. I do like to share :)


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